10 Best Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Swiss chard, a nutritious and versatile leafy vegetable, flourishes in diverse garden settings. Selecting appropriate companion plants can significantly enhance its growth and health.

This guide explores the best and worst companions for Swiss chard, offering insights for gardeners to create symbiotic plant relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Beneficial Companions: These plants support Swiss chard by improving soil nutrients, pest control, or microclimate conditions.
  • Detrimental Companions: Certain plants can compete for nutrients, attract shared pests, or inhibit growth.
  • Vegetable Companions: Specific vegetables synergize well with Swiss chard, optimizing garden productivity.
  • Avoiding Pest and Disease Spread: Strategic planting can reduce pest and disease incidence.

Avoid planting Swiss chard near family members like Spinach and Beets or potential allelopathic plants like Sunflowers.

Good Companion Plants for Swiss Chard:

PlantBenefits to Swiss Chard
RadishesMinimal root competition, soil shading
BeansNitrogen-fixing, improves nutrient uptake.
CeleryPest repellent.
NasturtiumsMark garden rows, trap crop for pests.
OnionsPest control when alternated with chard.
CilantroInsect deterrent, shares similar growing conditions.
MintAttracts pollinators, repels pests.
GarlicNatural pesticide, attracts pollinators.
BroccoliNutrient compatibility, can be a trap crop.
MarigoldsDeters deer, attracts beneficial insects.
LavenderEnhances flavor, repels pests.
See also  10 Best Beet Companion Plants

Plants to Avoid Near Swiss Chard:

PlantReason for Avoidance
BeetsNutrient competition, shared pests.
SpinachSimilar nutrient needs, attracts same pests.
CucumbersShared pests, can overtake chard.
PotatoesNutrient depletion, stunted growth.
MelonsDeep roots, space encroachment.

Vegetable Companion Plants:

VegetableRelationship with Swiss Chard
AlliumsPest repellent, attracts beneficial insects.
BrassicasComplementary root depths.
CeleryNon-competitive, mutually beneficial.
LettuceLiving mulch, non-competitive roots.


Successful companion planting with Swiss chard involves strategic plant selection to enhance growth, pest control, and overall garden health. By understanding the synergies and conflicts between Swiss chard and other plants, gardeners can cultivate a thriving and productive garden space

Scientific References:

  1. NRCS soil biology portal: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/soils/health/biology/

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