10 Grape Companion plants

Grapes, a staple in both edible gardens and commercial vineyards, benefit significantly from the practice of companion planting. This approach enhances grape health, improves soil quality, and can deter pests naturally. Let’s dive into the essentials of companion planting for grapes, highlighting the best and worst companions to ensure your vines thrive.

Key Takeaways

  1. Beneficial Companions: Certain plants can improve grape health and soil quality while offering natural pest control.
  2. Harmful Companions: Some plants compete with grapes for resources or attract unwanted pests.
  3. Considerations: The choice of companion plants should account for soil, climate, and grape variety.
  4. Vegetable Companions: Including specific vegetables can bolster grapevine health and productivity.

Good Companion Plants for Grapes

Good companions for grapes offer benefits like pest deterrence, soil improvement, or mutual growth support. Here’s a list of 10 plants known for their positive interactions with grapevines:

LavenderRepels insects, attracts pollinators
RosemaryDeters pests, improves soil fragrance
ChivesEnhances growth, repels pests
BasilRepels insects, improves health
MarigoldNematode control, attracts beneficial insects
GarlicPest control, improves soil quality
CloverFixes nitrogen, improves soil structure
BeansNitrogen fixation, supports soil health
PeasNitrogen fixation, companion support
ComfreyAdds nutrients to soil, attracts beneficial insects
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Bad Companion Plants for Grapes

Certain plants can be detrimental to grapes, competing for resources or attracting harmful pests. Avoid planting these near your vines:

WalnutAllelopathic effects harm grapes
CabbageCompetes for nutrients, attracts pests
FennelInhibits growth, attracts wrong insects
Brussels SproutsAttracts pests, competes for space
CauliflowerCompetes for resources, attracts pests
BroccoliAttracts pests, resource competition
CornAttracts pests, competes for nutrients
PotatoDisease risk, competes for nutrients
EggplantAttracts pests, resource competition
PeppersCan attract harmful pests, competition

Vegetable Companion Plants for Grapes

Incorporating certain vegetables can benefit grapevines by improving soil health and deterring pests:

LettuceLow competition, covers ground
SpinachProvides ground cover, low competition
RadishBreaks soil, attracts beneficial insects
CarrotsImproves soil structure, minimal competition
BeetrootEnhances soil, low nutrient competition
Swiss ChardGround cover, attracts beneficial insects
ParsleyAttracts beneficial insects, low competition
CilantroRepels aphids, attracts beneficial insects
BorageAttracts pollinators, improves growth
KaleProvides ground cover, attracts beneficial bugs


Companion planting offers a holistic approach to maximizing the health and yield of your grapevines. By choosing the right companions, you can create a vibrant, productive, and pest-resistant vineyard. Remember, the specific benefits of companion plants can vary based on your climate, soil, and grape variety, so it’s essential to consider these factors when planning your vineyard.

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